欢迎来到卡富纸品有限公司网站,我公司位于与广州地缘相连、历史相承、文化同源的佛山市。 具体地址是广东省佛山市东莞市谢岗镇大厚冠任工业区8栋,联系人是门江涛。
主要经营We are focusing on notebook, writing pads, diary, card, calendar, index divider, book, magazine, gift box production, etc. We too have a factory in China that manufacture OEM product.
我司是一家从事制造仪表仪器,集开发、经营、销售为一体的企业,主营产品:仪器仪表 光学仪器 经纬仪/水准仪 !公司以价格、质量、技术综合优势销售全国。多年来公司每一位员工秉持着“品质好、技术好、服务好、口碑好。 (>>查看全部)
公司主要经营, We are focusing on notebook, writing pads, diary, card, calendar, index divider, book, magazine, gift box production, etc. We too have a factory in China that manufacture OEM product.